Project Profiles

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Henry products have been used in various buildings and architectural projects around the world. Read to learn more about how these products were used, and how they may be able to assist you if you are working on a similar project.

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Henry® Provides Building Envelope Systems® Solutions For Miami Beach Convention Center Renovation

To meet the demands of the 21st century, the MBCC committed to a $615 million renovation and expansion. When complete in 2018, the 1.4 million-square foot LEED-certified facility will feature a 60,000-square…

Blower Door Case Story – Exceeding the green standard with a blue air barrier

Architects and builders in Seattle, WA battled the continuing rise of energy costs by working to create the “tightest” envelope to minimize air leakage and energy use. Build Urban used BlueskinVP as a…

Blueskin VP100 makes building 30% more airtight than standard barrier

In even the most well insulated homes, as much as 40% of the energy used to condition the interior spaces can be lost to uncontrolled airflow. Unlike traditional building wraps that resist only water and…

Blower door case story - Designing a Net-Zero home with BlueskinVP

Designing a Net-Zero home (NZEB) is not without challenges. One of the most important considerations is how to design an air tight building envelope that provides both a reliable, long lasting solution…